Discover how an understanding of God’s love for man can heal disease, redeem past mistakes, and restore harmony in your life.
As one of the many worldwide branches of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, MA, our church is “designed to commemorate the word and works of our Master [Christ Jesus], which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing” (Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy).
Our members unite with this church, in part, out of gratitude for healings they’ve experienced through their deepened understanding of God’s unfailing, universal love.
We are a Bible-based, Christian church with many resources available to support your spiritual growth. You are always welcome!
Christian Science Church
5000 Westminster
(at Kingshighway)
St. Louis, MO 63108
Sun 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Wed 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.
About Christian Science
The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy defined Christian Science as “the law of God, the law of good…” (Rudimental Divine Science). Her lifelong spiritual search and study of the Bible revealed that God’s law is a powerful spiritual principle, always present and operating to heal and bless humanity.
Jesus’ ministry demonstrated this law of God in practical Christianity, proving that healing and regeneration come as we recognize our true nature as spiritual and made “in the image of God” (Genesis 1:27). Examples of this can be seen in the biblical accounts of Abraham, Jacob, Moses, the prophets, and Jesus and his immediate followers.
This focus on spiritual healing, illustrated in the Bible, is central to the study and practice of Christian Science.
“As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal life.”
—Mary Baker Eddy
Church Services
Sunday Service
11 a.m. to Noon
Our Sunday service is based on weekly Bible Lessons made up of selections from the two books that serve as our Pastor: the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. The week’s Bible Lesson is read during every Christian Science service in churches around the world and can be studied during the week before the Sunday service.
Sunday School
11 a.m. to Noon
Children and young adults up to the age of twenty are welcome to attend our Sunday School. Early lessons on the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Sermon on the Mount form a foundation for Christian living. Later lessons involve discussion of the weekly Bible Lesson, and students learn how to apply the principles of Christian Science to today’s problems. Bible stories are an integral part of all classes, emphasizing the spiritual truths and timeless lessons found throughout the Scriptures.
Wednesday Meetings
7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Our Wednesday meetings include brief topical readings from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, followed by testimonies of healing from members and attendees who are applying Scriptural truths to their lives.
Childcare is lovingly provided for children not yet ready for Sunday School or the Wednesday evening meetings.
Directions and Parking
Get directions to our church. Free parking is available on Westminster and in the adjacent lot.
Listening and Participating in Our Services Remotely
Use one of the following methods to join and participate in our services remotely:
- Using your phone for audio only:
Call 312.626.6799. long-distance charges may apply.
When prompted for a Meeting ID, enter 420 283 3815 followed by #.
When prompted for a password, enter the password 18661875 followed by #. - One tap mobile
You may also save the following numbers in your phone’s contact list for one-tap access to the service via phone.
+13126266799,,4202833815#,,,,*18661875# - Using Zoom on your computer or mobile device:
Join Zoom Meeting by:
Clicking here
or use the following information
Meeting ID: 420 283 3815
Passcode: 18661875
Participating during Wednesday Services
The sharing of inspiration and healing experiences gained through your study of Christian Science is an essential part of the Wednesday night service. You may participate remotely in one of the following ways:
- Using the Zoom application on your computer or mobile device:
Unmute your device and begin speaking
Please remember to mute your microphone once you are done speaking - Calling via phone to Zoom:
Press *6 on your phone to unmute your microphone and begin sharing.
Please remember to silence your microphone again once you are done sharing by pressing *6 again. - Submitting a testimony via email
Email your testimony or inspiration to our clerk at: clerk@firstchurchstl.org. Testimonies submitted to the clerk will be read aloud during the meeting.
Our Pastor
“I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.”
—Jeremiah 3:15
Mary Baker Eddy ordained the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, pastor of The Church of Christ, Scientist. Our Sunday Service and Wednesday meetings include selections from both books.
Reading Room
Our Reading Room is a great place for spiritual study and prayer. A church member is on duty to answer any questions you may have.
You can study the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, read Christian Science magazines, read or listen to a wide range of articles on JSH-Online, listen to inspirational music, and pray. You can also purchase a variety of books, magazines, pamphlets, CDs, and items for children.
Our Reading Room is located in the Delmar Loop Apartments building on Delmar Boulevard. Free parking is usually available in the lot adjacent to the entrance. Free on-street parking on Delmar is always available. Get directions to our Reading Room.
Reading Room
5621 Delmar Blvd., #102
St.Louis, MO 63112
M, T, W, Th, F, Sat: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Christian Science Practitioners, Teachers, and Nurses
Christian Science practitioners and teachers are experienced in the healing ministry of Christian Science. Many are available 24/7 every day of the year devote to help others solve problems and find healing through the prayer-based system explained in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Their services are available to the public and range from answering questions about Christian Science to providing prayerful treatment for health, relationship, or financial problems or any other kind of challenge.
Christian Science nurses are trained to provide skilled, non-medical care for patients working with a Christian Science practitioner.
Find a Christian Science practitioner, teacher, or nurse in the worldwide directory.
Weekly Bible Lesson
Study the weekly Bible Lesson, available with a print or online subscription :
- Web: Preview this week’s Lesson, download a sample, or subscribe
- Print: Visit our Reading Room to study the Bible Lesson marked in the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, or purchase the Christian Science Quarterly, which contains the weekly Bible Lessons
Audio Programs
Listen to inspiring podcasts and audio programs:
- Web: Visit JSH-Online
Christian Science lectures explore the healing truths of Christian Science and provide information about Mary Baker Eddy and her discovery of the law of God, illustrated in the life of Christ Jesus.
Each year, our church sponsors at least one lecture in the community and one at a local jail. There are several other Christian Science churches in the area that sponsor lectures, too. Find a lecture near you.
Institutional Work
Our church works with the Christian Science Joint Institutional Committee of Missouri to share Christian Science in prisons, mental hospitals, and juvenile facilities in our community.
Activities include:
- Sponsoring Christian Science lectures
- Conducting Christian Science church services
- Visiting and praying with inmates and patients
- Distributing Christian Science literature
Holy Ground Collaborative
Our church is a member of the Holy Ground Collaborative, an interfaith group composed of six congregations in the Central West End’s Holy Corners Historic District. Established to address community needs, foster peace, and provide opportunities for interfaith fellowship, the Collaborative plays an important role in our community.
- Learn more about Christian Science.
- Read inspirational articles and testimonies of healing from the Christian Science Sentinel, Journal, and Herald.
- Read The Christian Science Monitor, a Pulitzer Prize-winning, independent, international newspaper. The Monitor’s mission, as described by its founder, Mary Baker Eddy, is “To injure no man, but to bless all mankind.”
If you would like to make a donation to First Church of Christ, Scientist, St. Louis, you can do so via Credit or Debit card with PayPal by clicking on the Donate button, below, or you can use Zelle to make a transfer.
If your bank or credit union offers Zelle transfers through online banking or a mobile app, simply use that, enter firstchurchstl@gmail.com as the recipient, and complete the transfer. If your bank or credit union doesn’t offer Zelle yet, download the Zelle app to enroll.